PAS2Benefits Architecture™ Chamber of Commerce Member Benefits Program
Designing Large Company Benefits for Small Businesses

Proudly made available by local Chambers of Commerce, no association program in American offers more options to help small businesses provide affordable benefits to employees. In fact, the collaboration between more than 100 Chambers and Purchasing Alliance SOLUTIONS has highlighted the tremendous buying power and unique needs of smaller businesses.
Save Money with Complimentary Services from a PAS Accredited Benefits Architect™
When it comes to saving on employee benefits, there’s no magic pill. It’s all in the architecture. Large employers use design specialists to save thousands each year. Now small businesses can too. Let us help you ensure you have the best option for your needs. It costs you nothing to find out. Our evaluation could save you thousands in the coming year.

Complete, Easy Administration using PAS2Benefits w/Ease™. It’s included at No Extra Charge.

Large companies know that a well architected employee benefits plan would not be complete without a top-tier benefits administration tool. That’s why we’ve included PAS2Benefits w/Ease™, an easy to use system that makes employee onboarding simple and keeps all your employee benefits records in one convenient place. When it’s easy for you, it saves you time and money.
Employee Centered Benefits Guidance and Assistance using PAS2MyBenefits Assistant SmartPlace™
Today’s benefits are complicated, especially medical benefits. And let’s face it, benefits are not benefits unless employees know how and when to use them. That’s why we include PAS2MyBenefits Assistant SmartPlace™, a smart device app that provides your employees multi-step guidance when using their medical benefits and comprehensive lookups for all their benefits. Everything you’ve provided right in the palm of their hand.

This buying power has attracted national insurance companies, compliance experts, leading managing general underwriters and large re-insurers to offer products and services prevously reserved for larger companies. Companies like Aetna, Humana, Kaiser Permanente, United Healthcare, National General, Allied National all want to bid on your business, and PAS2Benefits Architecture makes that possible.
Find out how your chamber is adding more value to your membership through tangible savings on critical employee benefits. Reach out to the folks at PAS and let them show you how much you can save. Say hello at [email protected] or 800-782-8254, or, call your local chamber and they'll put us in touch with you.
Say Hello...
When it comes to employee benefits, we want to make the complex, simple and the expensive, affordable. It's what we do. Contact us.